This conversation was sent in by a listener who shall be known as Limesack, and he knows why. Good stuff, Limesack. Keep them coming.
Random User: Crimson (picture of a hippy swirl)
Limesack: I shampooed my carpet today
Crimson: That's ambitious
Limesack: Not as ambitious as wiping my childs ass
Crimson: I guess so if the child is capable of doing it themselves
Limesack: My child was born without arms
Crimson: That sucks but why would you even classify wiping their ass as ambitious?
Crimson: That is just parenting
Limesack: Cuz he's a fancy nigga!
Crimson: Yea, not buying it!
Limesack: Is that a hippy picture?
Never heard back from her again!
As a wordfeud addict I am looking forward to more entries!